

January 15th, 2021

davepeta has drawn 222 drawings and authored 143 captions across 365 games. They follow 128 players and have 56 followers. They've earned a total of 1,018 emotes!


Commented in the game Wurlitzer organ(search it)

Commented in the game The girl has done it

Commented in the game Cat and Mole are friends

Commented in the game The girl has done it

Commented in the game Bedroom

Commented in the game draw your fursona

Commented in the game When the pretender is distrustful!

Commented in the game Wurlitzer organ(search it)

Commented in the game draw your fursona

Commented in the game Goldfish

Commented in the game Bedroom

Commented in the game amazingly detailed cake

Commented in the game super cute yamper

Commented in the game Sunburnt Fish

Commented in the game Last Place Janitor

Commented in the game Favorite Illustrator

Commented in the game Pharaoh eating a Cupcake

Commented in the game Hideous Leprechaun

Commented in the game Hideous Leprechaun

Commented in the game Pharaoh eating a Cupcake