

March 27th, 2012   Saving the Universe

Desmond has drawn 736 drawings and authored 192 captions across 928 games. They follow 137 players and have 117 followers. They've earned a total of 12,322 emotes!


Commented in the game Lonk and Pech

Commented in the game Never gonna give you up...

Commented in the game Never gonna give you up...

Commented in the game Draw me like you draw your woman

Commented in the game Draw me like you draw your woman

Commented in the game Happy brunette kid with blue eyes

Commented in the game "Are you a boy or are you a girl?"

Commented in the game Pikachu mouse

Commented in the game Pikachu mouse

Commented in the game Attack on Titan

Commented in the game Sonic and Knuckles

Commented in the game A Pig Makes Earth

Commented in the game calvin gets old, hobbes doesn't

Commented in the game Kitten alchemy

Commented in the game Howl's Dancing Castle