
Richard Lee

December 28th, 2014   Cupertino, California

Richard Lee has drawn 11 drawings and authored 14 captions across 25 games. They've earned a total of 37 emotes!

Perverted, round lemon head grins toothily Dec 29th, 2014
Voltorb vs Onyx Dec 29th, 2014
Giant ball of space yarn smiles at pinkJupiter Dec 29th, 2014
angel strangling green stick man Dec 29th, 2014
scream Dec 28th, 2014
man giving the bird to a bird Dec 28th, 2014
Lightbulb Dec 28th, 2014
Tooth fairy's creepy room full of kids' teeth Dec 28th, 2014
Howl's Moving Toilet Dec 28th, 2014
Hipster astronaut shoots alien Dec 28th, 2014
Mr Chin doesn't take orders from splits man Dec 28th, 2014