

April 27th, 2016

SuperRainbow has drawn 331 drawings and authored 207 captions across 538 games. They follow 9 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 1,281 emotes!


Commented in the game DEUS VOLT

Commented in the game Kitten with anadem

Commented in the game What is happiness?

Commented in the game ENTERTAIN ME

Commented in the game Three Dittos in a heated argument

Commented in the game Gerber Baby

Commented in the game Your favourite games logo pio

Commented in the game All the ways to get top game

Commented in the game Weirdest present you ever got PIO

Commented in the game Liberty Prime (Fallout)

Commented in the game Handsome Waldo

Commented in the game an elderly couple in the park

Commented in the game an elderly couple in the park

Commented in the game Guy and girl kissing in a tree

Commented in the game Dimitri Petrenko