

August 19th, 2016

NitsujVT has drawn 245 drawings and authored 240 captions across 485 games. They follow 5 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 1,093 emotes!


Commented in the game Kekistan

Commented in the game Dratini Martini

Commented in the game Brief sentence of life

Commented in the game A social studies essay

Commented in the game Nuke/Tree

Commented in the game Nuke/Tree

Commented in the game Nuke/Tree

Commented in the game The Importance Of Being Idle

Commented in the game Do/Can blitz games become top?

Commented in the game Newton's Third law of motion

Commented in the game A sailboat in the ocean

Commented in the game Do/Can blitz games become top?

Commented in the game Do/Can blitz games become top?

Commented in the game Do/Can blitz games become top?

Commented in the game Do/Can blitz games become top?

Commented in the game Do/Can blitz games become top?

Commented in the game Rose Quartz is reborn as a teenager