
Giuseppe Nicotra

December 1st, 2016

Giuseppe Nicotra has drawn 310 drawings and authored 153 captions across 463 games. They follow 26 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 1,038 emotes!

Angelic Walnut Jan 17th, 2021
zues teaching science class Aug 9th, 2020
Wolf in blue
Aug 8th, 2020
pig Aug 8th, 2020
blue guy hides behind tree in forest Aug 8th, 2020
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)'s spidey sense Jan 24th, 2020
Fiery Constellations Jan 24th, 2020
stick figure rides a turd car Jan 23rd, 2020
No U PIO Sep 24th, 2019
Elton John Sep 24th, 2019
shrek shooting lasers out of eyes Sep 24th, 2019
kermit singing and playing banjo at swamp Sep 24th, 2019
[ NSFW (18+) Game ]
Feb 26th, 2019