
Tabla Sechstitu

May 17th, 2019

Tabla Sechstitu has drawn 429 drawings and authored 432 captions across 861 games. They follow 3 players and have 37 followers. They've earned a total of 1,485 emotes!


Commented in the game Yellmo N64 Cartridge

Commented in the game Key Picture

Commented in the game Rat Janitor

Commented in the game Gum taking a selfie

Commented in the game There is no war in Ba Sing Se :)

Commented in the game Rocky (paw patrol)

Commented in the game roblox head with moustache - -

Commented in the game A woman with crystals in her hair

Commented in the game Homer Simpson Rides Yoshi

Commented in the game OiI

Commented in the game Haha simp

Commented in the game Hollow Knight

Commented in the game coco jumbo from jojo

Commented in the game Playstation 1 Logo

Commented in the game Go Diego (Brando), Go!

Commented in the game Escaping the Retina Burn palette

Commented in the game nightmarish jigglypuff

Commented in the game Drawception was a mistake

Commented in the game Yuno from Black Clover

Commented in the game Cheetah