

July 14th, 2019

BixbyTookMyJob has drawn 520 drawings and authored 422 captions across 942 games. They follow 5 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 1,238 emotes!


Commented in the game Mario Planting

Commented in the game Dollar scolds a penny

Commented in the game PewDiePie - Falcon the Giraffe

Commented in the game Candy Cane from Hell

Commented in the game Friday Night Funkin' (look it up)

Commented in the game Nerdy Cookie

Commented in the game Cereal

Commented in the game Cereal

Commented in the game Pond

Commented in the game Dende and Pikachu rapping

Commented in the game Pet School

Commented in the game Pizza Rat

Commented in the game 5 Star Game

Commented in the game Santa in the Matrix

Commented in the game Santa

Commented in the game Yellmo

Commented in the game Hydra

Commented in the game Ladybug

Commented in the game Last Place Snack

Commented in the game wermking