
This person131331434

April 24th, 2020   Here

This person131331434 has drawn 802 drawings and authored 435 captions across 1,237 games. They follow 7 players and have 28 followers. They've earned a total of 1,830 emotes!


Commented in the game Sofia

Commented in the game Sofia

Commented in the game Alejandro Toledo

Commented in the game Step 1: break into a Wal-Mart

Commented in the game Fishing for a Lava Lamp

Commented in the game Fishing for a Lava Lamp

Commented in the game A penguin

Commented in the game Pet Mushroom

Commented in the game Camera Symbol

Commented in the game Pingu (tv character)

Commented in the game Pingu (tv character)

Commented in the game Our lord and saviour, Pingu

Commented in the game Our lord and saviour, Pingu

Commented in the game Our lord and saviour, Pingu

Commented in the game Our lord and savior, Shrek

Commented in the game Our lord and savior, Shrek

Commented in the game Our lord and savior, Shrek

Commented in the game Warcraft