

May 2nd, 2012

Animusfox has drawn 10 drawings and authored 469 captions across 479 games. They follow 10 players and have 12 followers. They've earned a total of 1,610 emotes!


Commented in the game Google

Commented in the game The godfather - muppets edition

Commented in the game Duke Nukem fights at a dam

Commented in the game It's possible for a horse to paint.

Commented in the game Ninja Gay-den

Commented in the game Richard Simmons joins The Avengers

Commented in the game Death by Snu-Snu

Commented in the game Charizard vs Link

Commented in the game Liam Neeson vs. Jason Statham

Commented in the game Mad Men

Commented in the game Mad Men

Commented in the game Mr. T and Ice T share some tea.

Commented in the game Horace smokes a stick of dynomite.

Commented in the game Mexican Spiderman

Commented in the game A Night At The Roxbury

Commented in the game Wal-Mart