

May 4th, 2012

L522 has drawn 86 drawings and authored 101 captions across 187 games. They follow 3 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 279 emotes!

Gandalf angry at duel with pocodot wizrd May 5th, 2012
Horse smells flowers May 5th, 2012
Zork May 5th, 2012
Calvin & Hobbs own the means of prdction May 5th, 2012
Helicopter above water in a house May 5th, 2012
Caruso as a snake May 5th, 2012
Big Penor May 5th, 2012
Spider plan to steal pooping man's TP May 5th, 2012
Burglar steals math from 45th school May 5th, 2012
Man jumping faster than his shadow May 4th, 2012
Goo-ejecting knight finds jetson maidMEH May 4th, 2012
Freeman's Mind May 4th, 2012
GTA IV player gets his money back May 4th, 2012
Foreigner meet snobby American May 4th, 2012