

May 26th, 2012   US

padrenurgle has drawn 784 drawings and authored 703 captions across 1,487 games. They follow 57 players and have 67 followers. They've earned a total of 8,185 emotes!


Commented in the game Favorite Professor

Commented in the game Frozen Watermelon

Commented in the game Glados (Portal 2)

Commented in the game First Place Planet

Commented in the game A Van Down By The River!

Commented in the game Daisy and Peach

Commented in the game Are you my mother?

Commented in the game Ouroboros

Commented in the game ogre?

Commented in the game "I am that very witch."

Commented in the game Beetle hiring Olive

Commented in the game Man consumes a massive building

Commented in the game Hit Or Miss

Commented in the game Echo Dot

Commented in the game Cat

Commented in the game Tree of Wisdom

Commented in the game Tree of Strength

Commented in the game Puppy