

April 11th, 2012

Phillip4742 has drawn 197 drawings and authored 260 captions across 457 games. They follow 12 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 810 emotes!


Commented in the game A Clockwork Orange

Commented in the game DC meme vs your avatar!

Commented in the game Drawception is filled with fags

Commented in the game I've got a theory...

Commented in the game Lou/Gary's Disease

Commented in the game Lou/Gary's Disease

Commented in the game Trouble Muffin VS Ninja Eggplant

Commented in the game Corvax Unmasked!

Commented in the game A cat plays the piano

Commented in the game Labyrinth, if there were Portal guns

Commented in the game Labyrinth, if there were Portal guns

Commented in the game Corvax is magical

Commented in the game Indiana Jones

Commented in the game Asian man poops out Nyan Cat

Commented in the game The 8th panel's gonna be Awesoooome~

Commented in the game Eye bleach