

April 12th, 2012   CN

samuel3535 has drawn 288 drawings and authored 94 captions across 382 games. They follow 8 players and have 12 followers. They've earned a total of 1,959 emotes!


Commented in the game Owl

Commented in the game Hawk God

Commented in the game Waluigi has the infinity gauntlet

Commented in the game Clockwork Orange

Commented in the game Superman changes clothes in a TARDIS

Commented in the game Hodor

Commented in the game Dr. Tran!

Commented in the game Corn on the cob. Corn on the kabob!

Commented in the game Hakumen is becoming forgetful

Commented in the game Realm of the Mad God

Commented in the game Hunter 2-1, this is Overlord...

Commented in the game Where's Waldo?

Commented in the game Hunter 2-1, this is Overlord...

Commented in the game Troll Pope

Commented in the game John Marston

Commented in the game don't forget to bring a towel

Commented in the game Welcome...to DIE!

Commented in the game new DS game: Cooking "Meth" Mama

Commented in the game schrodinger's cat