

May 2nd, 2012

yelvisnoremac has drawn 108 drawings and authored 123 captions across 231 games. They follow 6 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 472 emotes!


Commented in the game Aang vs Korra

Commented in the game Aang vs Korra

Commented in the game Aang vs Korra

Commented in the game Bowling

Commented in the game Stargate

Commented in the game Stargate

Commented in the game Digimon returns to the basics

Commented in the game Digimon returns to the basics

Commented in the game Ironman does loundry, army brokes

Commented in the game Albert Einstein

Commented in the game Challenge accepted!

Commented in the game Troy and Abed in the morning!

Commented in the game Challenge accepted!

Commented in the game Thor has the prettiest hair.

Commented in the game Thor has the prettiest hair.