

May 4th, 2012   Tulsa, Oklahoma

jeckon has drawn 37 drawings and authored 153 captions across 190 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 271 emotes!


Commented in the game A Snail-Whale

Commented in the game Niko Belic

Commented in the game government cheese

Commented in the game Violent Fruit

Commented in the game The Fish Slapping Dance

Commented in the game Do a barrel roll!

Commented in the game Man door hand hook car door

Commented in the game To be or not to be...

Commented in the game if guitar hero were still popular..

Commented in the game Cat Playing Piano

Commented in the game Jabberwocky

Commented in the game Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Commented in the game Mandrake root is not pleased

Commented in the game The real identity of Zorro is Hitler

Commented in the game I used to be an adventurer....

Commented in the game Eternity