

May 10th, 2012   NZ

Sam3789 has drawn 22 drawings and authored 19 captions across 41 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 40 emotes!

Creep's (by STP) chorus taken literally Jun 1st, 2012
Clown bank teller May 31st, 2012
Time passes too slowly for clown May 21st, 2012
turtle falling May 20th, 2012
Green jelly bean shits in river May 18th, 2012
no pinks allowed May 15th, 2012
spiderman catching an alien in web May 14th, 2012
coconut and bowling ball make brofist May 14th, 2012
Baked hippy Cookie Monster has munchies May 14th, 2012
Sailor Moon May 13th, 2012
Boy buys Earth from the sun at 50% off May 13th, 2012
Jack in the Box. ON CRACK! May 13th, 2012
Giant Pencil May 11th, 2012
The last time jim played the trumpet May 11th, 2012
punk rocker stands in a box with his son May 11th, 2012
Bird forgot to wipe feet before entering May 11th, 2012
Looking at a baby through a telescope May 11th, 2012
Geometry becomes self-aware. May 11th, 2012