

May 26th, 2012   US

padrenurgle has drawn 784 drawings and authored 703 captions across 1,487 games. They follow 57 players and have 67 followers. They've earned a total of 8,185 emotes!


Commented in the game Yo! Let's cook.

Commented in the game Dr. Explosionface is back yet again!

Commented in the game Welcome to Rivendell...Mr. Anderson

Commented in the game Eau Rouge corner

Commented in the game Eau Rouge corner

Commented in the game Ghouls in the Fridge

Commented in the game the power of christ compells you!

Commented in the game Your guilty pleasure, P.I.O.

Commented in the game Tyrion Lannister

Commented in the game blue castlebridge thing

Commented in the game blue castlebridge thing

Commented in the game Sean Bean lives!

Commented in the game Five Nights at Freddy's

Commented in the game 'Bee'vis and Stingerhead

Commented in the game Odysseus