

May 26th, 2012   US

padrenurgle has drawn 784 drawings and authored 703 captions across 1,487 games. They follow 57 players and have 67 followers. They've earned a total of 8,185 emotes!


Commented in the game Serious-looking grizzly-bear

Commented in the game Russian Revolution

Commented in the game Brienne of Tarth

Commented in the game Favorite Movie, P.I.O.

Commented in the game Life is like a box of chocolates

Commented in the game Draw a masterpiece!

Commented in the game Doge Francesco Dandolo

Commented in the game Java the Hutt

Commented in the game Queue is for...

Commented in the game T-Rexes playing Patty cake

Commented in the game when mario riding yoob

Commented in the game The moon jumping over a cow

Commented in the game Awesome Reindeer Spotted Dragon

Commented in the game 1920s cartoon

Commented in the game 1920s cartoon

Commented in the game Hulk smash puny drawing!