

November 8th, 2012   USA

TheBuzzer5 has drawn 138 drawings and authored 716 captions across 854 games. They follow 0 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 2,244 emotes!


Commented in the game Optimus Picachu

Commented in the game A$$ eating dynomite

Commented in the game Horse eating dinner at a farm.

Commented in the game Annyong!

Commented in the game Last panel you drew but with sonic.

Commented in the game Ninja beagle with katana at feet

Commented in the game Horse eating dinner at a farm.

Commented in the game Annyong!

Commented in the game Cat-sup starter kit

Commented in the game Ninja beagle with katana at feet

Commented in the game ♪Risin' up, Back on the street.♫

Commented in the game Cat-sup starter kit

Commented in the game Tomato happily dreams of killing

Commented in the game Tomato happily dreams of killing

Commented in the game The revenge of the baloons