

December 2nd, 2012   US

Zoidberger has drawn 204 drawings and authored 194 captions across 398 games. They follow 0 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 1,039 emotes!


Commented in the game Honk honk.

Commented in the game Honk honk.

Commented in the game Penguin learns to fly

Commented in the game Pikachu feels fat

Commented in the game One man, one dog and one...wut?

Commented in the game I'm never gonna give you up...

Commented in the game Reggie's Body is ready for SSB4

Commented in the game No fun allowed.

Commented in the game Darkwing Duck from the Grave!

Commented in the game Calculon! But I thought you were-

Commented in the game Calculon! But I thought you were-

Commented in the game Nyan people party!

Commented in the game Give memes a chance

Commented in the game Dumbledore judges women's gymnastics

Commented in the game Feeling - Emotion

Commented in the game Its a bowtie. Bowties are cool.

Commented in the game I like your shoelaces