

February 9th, 2013

nickisayshi has drawn 76 drawings and authored 251 captions across 327 games. They follow 13 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 724 emotes!


Commented in the game Fellowship of the Batman

Commented in the game Match Game '76

Commented in the game Donyatsu

Commented in the game Look at a dot

Commented in the game ALF is Garfield in an orange suit

Commented in the game Windows vs Mac vs Linux

Commented in the game Kirby Swinging His Mallet in Space.

Commented in the game Kirby Swinging His Mallet in Space.

Commented in the game Cathulhu

Commented in the game The Riddler as a radio phone in host

Commented in the game a mooshrum(minecraft) draws nyan cat

Commented in the game Omoshiroi

Commented in the game a mooshrum(minecraft) draws nyan cat

Commented in the game Martian rat's plans come to fruition

Commented in the game Martian rat's plans come to fruition

Commented in the game Martian rat's plans come to fruition