

March 27th, 2012

Adrian2764 has drawn 191 drawings and authored 145 captions across 336 games. They follow 8 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 1,389 emotes!


Commented in the game Moon Base

Commented in the game All your baes are belong to us.

Commented in the game A cow jumping over the moon

Commented in the game The inside of a lock

Commented in the game Sit down and strap in!

Commented in the game Dracula

Commented in the game Misty bench-pressing

Commented in the game A Familiar Crab

Commented in the game Draw something very obscure.

Commented in the game Bigfoot with pies for feet

Commented in the game Grammar nazis vs grammar commies

Commented in the game Arab steals swords from caravan

Commented in the game Draw something very obscure.

Commented in the game snooPING AS usual I see?

Commented in the game Aberdolf Lincler (Rick and Morty)

Commented in the game snooPING AS usual I see?