

October 6th, 2013   Rock Falls, Illinois

Trumpe9106 has drawn 245 drawings and authored 326 captions across 571 games. They follow 0 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 513 emotes!


Commented in the game An ugly duckling

Commented in the game Rooster

Commented in the game 7.8/10. Too much water.

Commented in the game Fight fire with fire

Commented in the game The ten commandments.

Commented in the game I like trains! asdf (search it up)

Commented in the game Hickory Dickory Doc

Commented in the game Tea badger

Commented in the game Charlie Brown

Commented in the game Frogger

Commented in the game Who was U N Owen?

Commented in the game Duck thinks it's a Cow

Commented in the game Classy Origami Class

Commented in the game Lemmings on their X'mas trip

Commented in the game Pokemon X and Y!