

April 5th, 2015   Trondheim

Isdanselgen has drawn 134 drawings and authored 110 captions across 244 games. They follow 7 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 955 emotes!


Commented in the game Charlie Hebdo/ Paris magazine Attack

Commented in the game sad ghost goes shopping

Commented in the game Beautiful sunset with cubic sun

Commented in the game FREE DRAW!!!

Commented in the game Lucky Luke Skywalker

Commented in the game Lucky Luke Skywalker

Commented in the game Batman is actually Homer Simpson

Commented in the game Morgan Freeman Lost His Voice!

Commented in the game "Yer a Wizard Skelly!"

Commented in the game TRON 3, the rise of Trogdor

Commented in the game Falling asleep while juggling

Commented in the game A storm in a teacup

Commented in the game Let's make a Drawception meme!

Commented in the game Arctic Monkeys

Commented in the game squarebob spongepants

Commented in the game The formula for a featured game

Commented in the game Be Creative.