

July 26th, 2015

Manos-Draws has drawn 71 drawings and authored 168 captions across 239 games. They follow 9 players and have 11 followers. They've earned a total of 691 emotes!


Commented in the game Who ya gonna call?

Commented in the game Nedd Flanders is deadpool

Commented in the game Persona 4

Commented in the game Favorite Visual Novel PIO

Commented in the game Gay BJ

Commented in the game A word you cannot pronounce PIO

Commented in the game MickeyXRiku (Kingdom Hearts )

Commented in the game MickeyXRiku (Kingdom Hearts )

Commented in the game MickeyXRiku (Kingdom Hearts )

Commented in the game MickeyXRiku (Kingdom Hearts )

Commented in the game MickeyXRiku (Kingdom Hearts )

Commented in the game MickeyXRiku (Kingdom Hearts )

Commented in the game Jim Sterling

Commented in the game Jim Sterling

Commented in the game Jim Sterling

Commented in the game Darkwing, the original Duck in a hat

Commented in the game & knuckles