
Jason SSB4

November 24th, 2015

Jason SSB4 has drawn 349 drawings and authored 227 captions across 576 games. They follow 25 players and have 30 followers. They've earned a total of 2,985 emotes!


Commented in the game GradeAunderA

Commented in the game Glitchtale (PIO)

Commented in the game Sans cosplays as Toon Link

Commented in the game Markiplier

Commented in the game Spongebob wearing a bowler

Commented in the game The Paperclip from Microsoft Word

Commented in the game UR GON HAV BAD TIMM BOY-O

Commented in the game The great Fandoms flamewar

Commented in the game The great Fandoms flamewar

Commented in the game FR E SH A VOCA DO

Commented in the game Gay bees

Commented in the game A slime wearing a Batman costume

Commented in the game WALUIGI! 'smashes' into drawception!

Commented in the game WALUIGI! 'smashes' into drawception!

Commented in the game WALUIGI! 'smashes' into drawception!

Commented in the game The great Fandoms flamewar

Commented in the game Do you wanna have a Waluigi time?

Commented in the game Steampunk Kylo Ren