

April 10th, 2016   https://www.deviantart.com/crabsp00k/gallery/

crabsp00k has drawn 128 drawings and authored 96 captions across 224 games. They follow 104 players and have 29 followers. They've earned a total of 546 emotes!


Commented in the game down the rabbit hole

Commented in the game he (waifu)

Commented in the game step 1: pet a sloth

Commented in the game Wanna hear sicko mode or mo bamba?

Commented in the game Dragon breathes flames

Commented in the game Dragon breathes flames

Commented in the game Dragon breathes flames

Commented in the game A monkey with a tophat eating a taco

Commented in the game A monkey with a tophat eating a taco

Commented in the game UnderTAIL

Commented in the game Anglerfish wearing a Top Hat

Commented in the game I'm already tracer

Commented in the game I'm already tracer

Commented in the game I'm already tracer

Commented in the game I'm already tracer

Commented in the game I'm already tracer

Commented in the game Mmhmm

Commented in the game I refuse.