

July 17th, 2016   byby drawception, good times were had

Kodykthnx has drawn 663 drawings and authored 1,021 captions across 1,684 games. They follow 9 players and have 109 followers. They've earned a total of 7,785 emotes!


Commented in the game amogus

Commented in the game Bill left for dead

Commented in the game Ralsei is cold D;

Commented in the game Ralsei Hugging Kris

Commented in the game Doodle Bird

Commented in the game Hi Ellie draw ralsei

Commented in the game Hi Ellie draw ralsei

Commented in the game Hi Ellie draw ralsei

Commented in the game Yellmo is the real fluffy boy!

Commented in the game Ralsei Takes Over Drawception

Commented in the game Window Soldier

Commented in the game Unicorn Sleeping

Commented in the game ralsei deltarune hh

Commented in the game ralsei deltarune hh

Commented in the game Avocado in a Teacup

Commented in the game hey draw ralsei for me pls thanks