

April 4th, 2012

Eddie4991 has drawn 25 drawings and authored 89 captions across 114 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 306 emotes!


Commented in the game Devil-eyed bunny offers to help

Commented in the game Al Bundy

Commented in the game Reservoir Dogs

Commented in the game Sandra and Woo on the moon

Commented in the game The Savoir of the universe

Commented in the game Smile! Cthulhu loves you!

Commented in the game Oh my god, they killed Kenny!!!!

Commented in the game Baconception

Commented in the game Karl Pilkington fights zombies

Commented in the game Yippie-ka-yay!

Commented in the game Yippie-ka-yay!

Commented in the game Guitar-solo face

Commented in the game M. Night Shyamalan - the movie

Commented in the game Rocky and Bullwinkle

Commented in the game Rocky and Bullwinkle

Commented in the game Barney without his morning coffee

Commented in the game Polar Bear Hug

Commented in the game Jedi mating call