
Angela Maciel

August 16th, 2017

Angela Maciel has drawn 354 drawings and authored 224 captions across 578 games. They follow 103 players and have 21 followers. They've earned a total of 1,583 emotes!


Commented in the game Velma (from scooby doo) thinking

Commented in the game two wolfs

Commented in the game (Flat Design) Free drawing PIO

Commented in the game Mobster Dragon

Commented in the game Mobster Dragon

Commented in the game A chicken-duck-woman thing.

Commented in the game u want sum fuk (crow meme)

Commented in the game u want sum fuk (crow meme)

Commented in the game Leviathan (Mythical Sea Creature)

Commented in the game u want sum fuk (crow meme)

Commented in the game It's from Japaaaaaaan.

Commented in the game ITS FROM JAPAN

Commented in the game Octopus

Commented in the game bird

Commented in the game Weirdest article of clothing

Commented in the game Guy falling down stairs