

April 9th, 2012

Laxpudding(coloradohugge has drawn 81 drawings and authored 73 captions across 154 games. They follow 2 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 329 emotes!


Commented in the game genesis does what nintendon't

Commented in the game Siri where do i hide the body?

Commented in the game Bonnie the bunny! We did it!

Commented in the game May from Pokemon admits she sucks

Commented in the game May from Pokemon admits she sucks

Commented in the game Slender Video Game

Commented in the game the meaning of life

Commented in the game "You hit me in the boob!"

Commented in the game Dialga is playing Tennis

Commented in the game Pac man eat Lsd

Commented in the game A dot

Commented in the game Landon Donovan

Commented in the game worst video game ever

Commented in the game Never eat yellow snow

Commented in the game Hayao Miyazaki directs Titanic

Commented in the game Everybody love Francis (L4D) !