Dream Diary


The first dream was like this
I was investigating a crime scene with a plague doctor then it cuts to me driving in a place i don't remember and that plague doctor was in the backseat

Then the second dream was like this
I was stranded in a island and my dad and other people we're naked praying at a yellow light in the middle of the night on the coast like if they we're being rescued
I look at the moon, the moon seems to orbit fast enough to be visible
I wake up and i look out the window, i look at the moon, the moon seem to have a zeppelin in it, i take out my phone and start criyng while my hand shakes, the phone screen we're pure memes


I owned a cat and it was literally el wiwi


i dreamt that they built a really giant pokemon-themed mall right outside my house. no rotom merch tho. they just said "fug you in particular" to rotom


Here's an odd one:
I was in a colorless void. There were some pillars and such strewn about, along with these weird guys who looked like researchers. Everything was either white or light grey, except for this singular, large container of some sort of colorful hard candy.
Also, someone or something kept repeating a weird nonsense phrase, "plaelatik surella surella" I think.


had a dream there was a homoerotic 1992 musical romantic action thriller drama movie called 'Cruise Ship' starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton.


Last night, I had a dream that I was playing Legends: Arceus. In the large "island" with the camp in the first area, I was attacking the tall pine trees on the west side of the island. Four of these came out of the tree. It's just Burmy but pyramid-shape.


I was in a two-story house with Edward Norton of all people, and I saw that there were the magnetic Thomas & Friends toys, only I saw a Thomas with nearly twenty segments, which was somehow plot-relevant. It had also snowed outside, but the snow was melting, and the backyard looked eerily like that at my house. Somehow, a monster had decided to intrude the backyard, so Norton got the flamethrower into it, and I was with him here. After that, I wound up with two four-leaf clovers that were also bigger than usual, and ready to go somewhere else.

And that’s all I remember of my final dream of this scary, scary year.


I had a dream that I was sleeping inside the toilet pipes and I was trapped there. I met a kid named something in the dream, and I remember these sewer rats taking her away from me and I got upset and scared. When I woke up, I realized I had literally FALLEN ASLEEP on the toilet while going to the bathroom. My sister woke me up. She said that I was banging on the inside of the bathroom door screaming “Give her back!!”


Now that I’ve escaped 2022, it’s time for the first dream of the year that also involves…not Toaplan this time! IREM, BITCH!

In a very blocky room and at some party, I watched an episode of Jeopardy, and there was this commercial for a theme park whose voice-over intrigued me, so I had to download it. This may or may have not netted a few weird looks from the partygoers.
Then there was a fake scene from Mixels, where Balk was talking to another Mixel about something, yet sounded less raspy than how he actually sounds. Both were in a valley just barely sheened with water. I was typing in Notes on the iPad during this, and when Balk said “our type”, I was like “…wait, R-Type?”
We later went on some road trip to a city at sunrise. We visited many of the buildings, but noticed that there was this insane fashion designer who had periwinkle hair but acted like Xavier from The Afterparty if he were more off his rocker. Somehow, this scenario was simultaneously both real and a TV show, and some strange songs were playing. One of the buildings had an ice theme.

So this is how my 2023 has started. Now here’s hoping I don’t mess it all up like I did with the previous three years…


I had yet another one about Deltarune 3 being a huge disappointment that intensely pissed me off.
This time, the game was not at all in the normal Deltarune style, had zero lore, and had three main antagonists, two of which I utterly despised yet the fandom loved.
The third, who I liked, was this guy with a film camera[? It may have been a stage light] for a head and was named The Director, but nobody talked about him and he was barely in the game at all.
I'm not sure if this is a sign of things to come or a sign that I need to stop obsessing over Deltarune.


I had another dream last night. It was where we were having a family meeting (With all of my family members and relatives) It was super nerve-wracking, and they were all talking about how bad I was doing in school and that they had a failure for a child. Even my deceased grandfather, who I was very close to. It was horrible. I woke up crying.


About a week ago, I dreamt there was a stack of old DVDs in my kitchen, except I was living in a house with a layout more reminiscent of a vacation home I stayed at shortly last year. We were trying to sell them all. Among the collection was two Sailor Moon movies (might have been the same movie, but with different box art), two Space Jam DVDs with different box art, and the 1993 Mario Movie. I wanted to keep all of them (most notably the Mario Movie) with the intention of watching it when the Chris Pratt Mario movie comes out, but dad would not let me keep it simply because it's a bad movie. I told him I liked "so bad it's good" movies, and that it looked "so bad it's good", and that the Chris Pratt one looked more unwatchably bad, but dad told me it was so bad it was fully unlikable, and also that I should not like/watch bad movies, so I asked him why we were even selling it at the upcoming garage sale.


Broken Saw had done his usual logo upload spree, and uploaded a logo that had some sort of green-screened actor (who Saw described as having a messy, MESSY reputation in recent years) talking to the viewer below the text. It was allegedly from 1996, but the actor’s voice was auto-tuned and that didn’t exist until late 1997.
Then I was watching a video of an incredibly ambitious X68000 game with colorful, abstract characters and even FMV footage, but was overall quite sloppy and unpolished. One user described it with the fake word “untestished.”
Once I got to my laptop, I downloaded the soundtracks to Air Gallet, Espgaluda, and DoDonPachi Daioujou, but this is a paradox since I’ve only genuinely listened to Air Gallet (because I wondered what the fungus was with this “Gazelle” company, not to mention the weirdness of late-era YM2151, and what even is a “gallet” anyway?!), leading to all sorts of fake music.
I later went to a library and saw that Howard Wang had called out the guy from the earlier logo, and rightfully so. I saw a lot of paintings in a hallway next to a cafeteria, and one of the paintings was of Luigi. And yet I couldn’t erase the logo from my memory. Last thing I remember is that I was watching a Muppet demo video and going to a restroom.


From what I remember, LaurenZside (I think) made a video about a leak that stated that the next Nintendo console after the Switch would be announced in late 2023, but she also said that you shouldn't trust the leak.


All I remember of yesterday’s dream is that .

As for today’s dream, before my failure to wake myself up, there was Elmo, but his original 1980 incarnation who sounded somewhat like Harvey Fierstein.
Once that was over, we went to one of our local libraries after sunset, and somehow I got the chance to meet Nicholas Andrew Louie, so we talked for a bit, and I visited his website but that looked almost completely different. On the role samples page, he shown that he had voiced a cartoon fish (exclusive to the dream), but I didn’t see Jeeno (whom he has voiced in my dream canon) In fact, we didn’t even talk about Jeeno, no, no, no!
After we finished our conversation, I noticed that the time was just before closing, so we rushed out of the library.


why did two people dream about ed norton-

anyways i had a dream where i went to the dentist and got knocked out and in my head it did that skyrim thing where it fades to black and i woke up and i was in like a backrooms basement type of thing and there was a g*n in my mouth instead of the dentist tools 😭😭😭😭 yall the dentist is scary make sure to floss ig

OooOOOoOo · Jan 8th, 2023

i was sat in a car

i have very vivid one second dreams


There was the Cartoon Network “Gloforms” technical difficulties stuff, Sweetums cameoed at one point, and this video played.
Threes also had an update where there was a fruit piece that you could grab out of the screen for yourself to eat. Said fruit barely qualified as such; it looked like a jicama disguised as a tomato (and the red part looked knitted) with carrot-like but fake stems, and had chicken pot pie filling. Ultimately, it tasted like mushrooms.
All of us were desperately trying to figure out what the crackpot was with this puzzling plant. Later, while at the TV, I was having a conversation with someone else about this joker (and that I wanted to eat more of them because it didn’t taste that bad), but the outside machinery buzzing got so horrible, our voices were vocoded with it. Which…would be quite an accomplishment if that were to actually happen. I even outright said that it made the situation quite awkward.

OooOOOoOo · Jan 9th, 2023

I had a psychological nightmare a couple of months ago...

...I don't want to share it with any of you. Why am I even bringing this up?

I dunno, I guess I'm just bored.


Last night, I had a dream that ACNH had a new major update where it now had a pixelated design and a completely different premise, and I was really disappointed and missed the old/real version.

In reality, I haven't played that game since Halloween and really need to get back to it.

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