The Rainbow Conneciton
15 player public game completed on July 22nd, 2017
1,775 71 3 hrs
vet game
@surcettin... horrifying and amazing lol. Great drawings & captions all around.
I don't know why, but panel 14's caption being "Kermit eats people" made me laugh.
There appears to be a story here.
Also, remind me not to ask Kittu to be my lifeline for any musical instrument-related gameshows.
@octoboy did you comment that somewhere before? im gettiing some deja-vou.
Octoboy is just preparing for every possible gamers opportunity there is! It's really too bad about Kittu... they were the last name on my list of musical instrument-related gameshows.
I'm hoping, for your sake OB, that you are able to find another person soon.
Oh! Btw - I heard that the repetitive joke-related gameshow is doing a casting call! I'm sure you'd be perfect for that one! No lifelines necessary!
Thank you too every single person involved in this game. This is amazing.
Geez Kermit, do ypu want to talk about it? Maybe on the way to the mental hospital?
Power really does corrupt. Loved all of this, and the ending is so perfect. Great work all!
@Heracleum I like that your Kermit reveals the puppeteer beneath *with the shading at his neck) and yes, the house in the background is a façade. He is truly a muppet in your panel. Nice!
@AvaS yep I always liked when they made him twist his (empty) neck and do that funny face. TY!
Lol this went from :) to death! Also the control the weather part almost made me wet my pants
This game is rather tragic...
I'd let Kermit eat me if it'll make him feel any better!
"The Rainbow Connection" Yay happy good times life is good!!
"Kermit Eats People" ...
oh dear god what have we done
what went from nice to d a r k real quick