Welcome to Drawception! It's like the "Telephone Game", but with drawing. Join the Fun!
What time is it!?
12 player public game completed on October 14th, 2012
1,416 27 15 hrs
Panel 4 is the real genius; that's clearly the classic Atari game Adventure on a clock.
#9's comment applied to mine (#4) as well ... different generations reminded of being a kid at the same time.
This is one of the times I am glad for skipping a panel. I would NOT have made that into the Song of Time.
Know what'd be better?
If the "freaking duck" was the clock with its jaw being a minute hand.
Bummed I thought it was Zelda, but it still took the game to good places so it worked out.
Wow, this turned out even better than I thought! Good work everyone :D
YES. I'm so happy everyone used the actual keys!