

June 1st, 2020

frostino has drawn 488 drawings and authored 277 captions across 765 games. They follow 71 players and have 45 followers. They've earned a total of 2,402 emotes!


Commented in the game E

Commented in the game Dragon's Treasure Hoard

Commented in the game beutiful forrest vines

Commented in the game Pelicans eating picnic on the beach

Commented in the game kid with long arm points at paper

Commented in the game EvaX is humbly submitting a toast

Commented in the game Free draw!

Commented in the game Favorite animal P.I.O

Commented in the game Surreal Desert

Commented in the game Spammer

Commented in the game Earthworm

Commented in the game Joker

Commented in the game Cookie

Commented in the game Flag Doctor

Commented in the game Cupcake

Commented in the game Hamilton but Its all orange