

July 6th, 2020

DrIsJam has drawn 216 drawings and authored 275 captions across 491 games. They follow 95 players and have 24 followers. They've earned a total of 1,113 emotes!


Commented in the game Yoda looking for Olives

Commented in the game Make me cringe

Commented in the game Furret makes a voodoo doll

Commented in the game Punk Jail

Commented in the game Homeless Zebra

Commented in the game Evil Satan

Commented in the game Make me cringe

Commented in the game Punk Jail

Commented in the game Punk Jail

Commented in the game Nest

Commented in the game Fishing for a Rug

Commented in the game Frog with Glasses

Commented in the game Driving with Jupiter

Commented in the game Catching a Scissors

Commented in the game Pipe Organ General

Commented in the game Ancient Toast

Commented in the game Space Manatee