

July 16th, 2020   hi

EarthlingHumanSapien has drawn 285 drawings and authored 94 captions across 379 games. They follow 227 players and have 153 followers. They've earned a total of 2,877 emotes!


Commented in the game Red is kinda sus ngl

Commented in the game Broken Knight

Commented in the game Red is kinda sus ngl

Commented in the game Little Shop of Horrors

Commented in the game amogus!1!11!!

Commented in the game Crab eating Honey

Commented in the game snom...

Commented in the game amogus!1!11!!

Commented in the game Cute Bulbasaur with pink flower

Commented in the game Monster divorcing Baseball

Commented in the game snake wrapping around arm and hand

Commented in the game Toast wearing Gloves

Commented in the game Monster divorcing Baseball

Commented in the game Enormous Pepper

Commented in the game Ox

Commented in the game Zeus Architect

Commented in the game amogus