Commented in the game Step 1: Quit job
Commented in the game "Is Time Creative?" A Debate
Commented in the game Robot Tormented by Bees
Commented in the game Step 1: Buy a Nintendo Switch
Commented in the game Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa)
Commented in the game Suzuha
Commented in the game Grandmother holding King
Commented in the game Girl doing anything beside stepping ona phone
Commented in the game Nurse
Commented in the game Flying with a Battery
Commented in the game Baby Baby
Commented in the game Detective in an Aquarium
Commented in the game Purse in a Cyclone
Commented in the game Cemetery
Commented in the game Chihiro Fujisaki (DanganRonpa)
Commented in the game Angie Yonaga