

July 28th, 2020

playername3point14 has drawn 159 drawings and authored 155 captions across 314 games. They follow 12 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 395 emotes!


Commented in the game Step 1: Quit job

Commented in the game "Is Time Creative?" A Debate

Commented in the game Robot Tormented by Bees

Commented in the game Step 1: Buy a Nintendo Switch

Commented in the game Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa)

Commented in the game Suzuha

Commented in the game Grandmother holding King

Commented in the game Nurse

Commented in the game Flying with a Battery

Commented in the game Baby Baby

Commented in the game Detective in an Aquarium

Commented in the game Purse in a Cyclone

Commented in the game Cemetery

Commented in the game Chihiro Fujisaki (DanganRonpa)

Commented in the game Angie Yonaga