

September 2nd, 2020   Brazil

piratebr1 has drawn 340 drawings and authored 211 captions across 551 games. They follow 0 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 803 emotes!


Commented in the game chef bacon

Commented in the game Cresselia

Commented in the game Surprised Field

Commented in the game Fantasy Princess vs Actual Princess

Commented in the game Cresselia

Commented in the game Surprised Field

Commented in the game Fantasy Princess vs Actual Princess

Commented in the game Plump Witch

Commented in the game Rooster

Commented in the game Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin)

Commented in the game Taco bot delivers tasty tacos

Commented in the game Ghost enjoying Heaven

Commented in the game Elebant drawversary!!!!! :DDDD

Commented in the game Pet Brush

Commented in the game Christmas celebrated by dinosaurs

Commented in the game Christmas celebrated by dinosaurs

Commented in the game Drift gone wrong

Commented in the game Rayman finds his limbs