
Lovely Fox

September 25th, 2020   United States

Lovely Fox has drawn 389 drawings and authored 804 captions across 1,193 games. They follow 14 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 1,980 emotes!


Commented in the game Sloth nail salon

Commented in the game Snake digging with a Pumpkin

Commented in the game Spooky Ape

Commented in the game Cute Fox

Commented in the game Cute Fox

Commented in the game The Incredible Slug

Commented in the game Cute Fox

Commented in the game Drawing with a Statue

Commented in the game Tropical Weatherman

Commented in the game Final Fantasy

Commented in the game Final Fantasy

Commented in the game Final Fantasy

Commented in the game Cute Fox

Commented in the game Clockception

Commented in the game sailor moon marries goku