

September 29th, 2020   trains and reindeer (he/him)

StandUserLeon has drawn 318 drawings and authored 322 captions across 640 games. They follow 39 players and have 35 followers. They've earned a total of 1,579 emotes!


Commented in the game Thanks for over 4200 emotes!

Commented in the game A rose in a glass jar

Commented in the game Deer

Commented in the game atlas fries(Drawception) x Jazza

Commented in the game anime demon girl with green hair

Commented in the game Reindeer

Commented in the game Investor Programming

Commented in the game Polandball cannot into space!

Commented in the game Moose Snoring

Commented in the game Rudolph the Methed-Up Reindeer

Commented in the game Free draw

Commented in the game Bear

Commented in the game French toast on a holiday in Japan

Commented in the game when the imposter is sus

Commented in the game screw this site. #FreeHomestuck

Commented in the game Earthworm crossing the Tracks

Commented in the game Truck

Commented in the game Rainbow