

October 23rd, 2020

TheHolyTurnipGod has drawn 23 drawings and authored 83 captions across 106 games. They follow 1 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 112 emotes!


Commented in the game Draw an optical illusion.

Commented in the game The Tardis

Commented in the game The Tardis

Commented in the game A Missile digging into the Ocean

Commented in the game Eating Mustard with a Hook

Commented in the game Soldier discovering Earth

Commented in the game Red is the new Green

Commented in the game Ellie rose

Commented in the game Kenma Kozume

Commented in the game Pet Cow

Commented in the game Dank Among Us

Commented in the game Gigantic Whale

Commented in the game Woodpecker Laughing

Commented in the game Bob (AC) is husbando

Commented in the game Happy 4th Birthday to Yellmo!

Commented in the game Cherry wearing Pants

Commented in the game Galactic Nova (Kirby)

Commented in the game Ghoulception

Commented in the game Scary e