

November 10th, 2020   i can't change my username i dont like dr now

ChiakiNanamiSDR2 has drawn 87 drawings and authored 65 captions across 152 games. They follow 21 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 241 emotes!


Commented in the game REINHARDT (from OverWatch)

Commented in the game Sombra from Overwatch

Commented in the game Mario

Commented in the game The End.

Commented in the game Cupcake

Commented in the game 1950's Icecube

Commented in the game Beer

Commented in the game Beer Superhero

Commented in the game Bomb

Commented in the game Plumber Traveling

Commented in the game Magic Astronaut

Commented in the game Notebook

Commented in the game Favorite Overwatch Hero PIO

Commented in the game Candle

Commented in the game Candle

Commented in the game 1970's Vegetable

Commented in the game Fav video game pio (mines overwatch)

Commented in the game Fav video game pio (mines overwatch)