Commented in the game Handsome anime Waluigi
Commented in the game multicolor garbage bag
Commented in the game I will B A R R Y you alive.
Commented in the game Slimy Astronaut
Commented in the game Slimy Astronaut
Commented in the game juan
Commented in the game NOOT NOOT DOOT DOOT
Commented in the game Robot Cashier
Commented in the game juan
Commented in the game Eren Yeager
Commented in the game Waluigi's inverted L
Commented in the game Expecting a color comic? TOO BAD WALUIGI TIME!
Commented in the game Waluigi is so hot
Commented in the game Reeling in Peas
Commented in the game Fluttershy is a D&D druid.
Commented in the game DIO using Road Roller on Diavolo
Commented in the game Is ThAT a JojO rEFeReNce
Commented in the game Is Luigi gay?
Commented in the game Sans & Papyrus dressed as Waluigi & Wario
Commented in the game The church of Waluigi.