
R Hunter

March 28th, 2012   Pasadena, California

R Hunter has drawn 13 drawings and authored 7 captions across 20 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 31 emotes!


Latest Games

Search google image "Jumping" draw first picture Mar 30th, 2012
no pipe smoking popeyes Mar 30th, 2012
Devilish Android stares at the earth from space Mar 30th, 2012
Mr. Monacle-Burger-Tophat-Cane Man Mar 30th, 2012
Salesman trying to sell Wii-motes Mar 30th, 2012
Hurting myself Mar 30th, 2012
Pyramid Head hates blue pants Mar 29th, 2012
Yugi from YU-GI-OH! Yelling & playing red cards Mar 29th, 2012
A Perfect Cup of Coffee Mar 29th, 2012
evil pumpkin Mar 29th, 2012
six-eyed golf pro
Mar 29th, 2012