

January 6th, 2021   Liverpool, United Kingdom

AkiraTadokoro has drawn 868 drawings and authored 95 captions across 963 games. They follow 55 players and have 122 followers. They've earned a total of 6,226 emotes!


Commented in the game Favorite Star Wars Character

Commented in the game Favorite Star Wars Character

Commented in the game Photobombing shark

Commented in the game Favorite Star Wars Character

Commented in the game pikachu painting

Commented in the game Dog

Commented in the game Bakugo (BNHA)

Commented in the game Tengen Uzui from Kimetsu No Yaiba

Commented in the game Porky Pig

Commented in the game Parrot

Commented in the game Porky Pig

Commented in the game Kylo Ren

Commented in the game Kylo Ren

Commented in the game Peaceful camping.

Commented in the game If Thanos had no gauntlet...

Commented in the game Using a pizza to clean a window

Commented in the game Fire & Flames (abstract impression)

Commented in the game Alarm Clock on a Star

Commented in the game morshu

Commented in the game Salamence (Pokémon)