

January 15th, 2021

davepeta has drawn 222 drawings and authored 143 captions across 365 games. They follow 128 players and have 56 followers. They've earned a total of 1,018 emotes!


Commented in the game Captain Puffy

Commented in the game Python Paleontologist

Commented in the game Cover yourself in oil

Commented in the game Toasting marshmallows over a fire

Commented in the game Toasting marshmallows over a fire

Commented in the game Deadpool

Commented in the game eevee boss battle

Commented in the game Cheetah

Commented in the game Step 1: body swap with a furry

Commented in the game step 1: cover yourself in oil

Commented in the game Basic Einstein

Commented in the game chair skater

Commented in the game Hawk baking a Weed

Commented in the game Hummingbird

Commented in the game Burning car

Commented in the game funshine bear

Commented in the game 004: Charmander

Commented in the game 004: Charmander