

April 12th, 2012

GiG has drawn 376 drawings and authored 695 captions across 1,071 games. They follow 77 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 2,357 emotes!


Commented in the game Big Bird on steroids

Commented in the game There can be only one

Commented in the game What should I write here?

Commented in the game The Scooby Gang (BtVS)

Commented in the game The earth is doomed (BTVS)

Commented in the game Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Commented in the game Buffy stakes Edward and Bella

Commented in the game Buffy vs Edward

Commented in the game Buffy Vs Voldemort

Commented in the game Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Commented in the game Buffy stakes a vamp

Commented in the game Buffy

Commented in the game Double Quickening is suggestive

Commented in the game Pong!

Commented in the game Mary Poppins

Commented in the game What should I write here?

Commented in the game Kitty Pryde in the Labyrinth

Commented in the game Kitty Pryde in the Labyrinth