Commented in the game Thor and Loki hug it out like bros
Commented in the game A Blank Panel
Commented in the game A Blank Panel
Commented in the game Happy shinny people
Commented in the game The Avengers on Glee
Commented in the game Sweep the leg!
Commented in the game It's over nine thousand!!
Commented in the game The Avengers on Glee
Commented in the game Bachelorette, played by Buffy characterd
Commented in the game Bachelorette, played by Buffy characterd
Commented in the game Homer's odyssey
Commented in the game Mrs Black tells off Sirius & Lupin
Commented in the game Nyan-Dog chases Nyancat chases Nyanrat
Commented in the game Nyan-Dog chases Nyancat chases Nyanrat
Commented in the game Gandalf VS Dumbledore: "Yo Momma" fight
Commented in the game Teen Girl Squad
Commented in the game Homer's odyssey
Commented in the game Spike reads poetry to Xander
Commented in the game Aragorn wears Arwen's dress to the park
Commented in the game Is queer theory a form of feminism?